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About Mercy Airlift



 Mercy Airlift was founded in 1968 by a committed group of doctors, public health and business professionals who saw the need for efficient and cost-effective disaster relief assistance and humanitarian aid to impoverished populations throughout the world.  These professionals believed that all people have the right to medical care regardless of race, religion, creed, or political affiliation, and that the needs of these people supersede respect for nation borders.





Mercy Airlift is a nonprofit humanitarian organization that provides dedicated air transportation, emergency aid, medical services, recovery assistance, and sustainable human development programs to disaster victims and impoverished populations worldwide.  We also provide logistical and transportation services to other organizations, assisting them in their efforts to provide emergency assistance.





 When the massive famine occurred in Africa in 1972, Mercy Airlift was there for 27 months, providing daily flights to feeding stations in the remote areas of Ethiopia.  When the great earthquake in 1976 hit Guatemala and killed more than 30,000 people, Mercy Airlift was there to bring support and healing.  Mercy Airlift was one of the first on the scene to provide recovery assistance and supplies during the Tsunami in South Asia in December of 2004.  Domestically Mercy Airlift provided thousands of pounds of supplies and equipment to the victims of hurricanes Rita and Katrina as well as many other disasters here in the U.S...  Of these missions and thousands of others, the dedicated p personnel and volunteers of Mercy Airlift worked around the clock providing thousands of tons of relief supplies and recovery assistance.  Many people died as victims of these tragedies, yet hundreds of thousands, on nearly every continent in the world were saved, thanks in part to the efforts of the Mercy Airlift teams.



Millions of lives from around the world have been touched by the courageous efforts of Mercy Airlift and its volunteers, including the countries of Ethiopia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Congo, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru,Philippines, Uganda and Zimbabwe.  With your vehicle donation, we can continue to serve these people who have no other hope for a sustainable future.  Click here to donate your vehicle or call us at 1.800.637.2914.


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